Tuesday 23 October 2012


I've been feeling a little lonesome and sad just lately and couldn't quite put my finger on the cause. When I did a bit of deeper thinking about it, however, it occurred to me that I'm lacking in the 'family department'
I've got my own kids who are fantastic and I love very much but when it comes to the extended bit I'm a bit lost. I don't know most of my family and even the ones that I do either don't bother with me or it's a more mutual feeling. I was pondering whether my lack of roots is at the heart of my feelings of isolation when I had a chance encounter today. It was someone who recognised me from over 30 years ago - she said I hadn't changed...not sure that's a good thing! This lady said she is best friends with a lady called Lisa who happens to be my cousin. I didn't even know I had a cousin called Lisa. She also said that we all went to Girl Guides together....I wasn't aware of that either. It shows how much I know about my Dad's side of the family. I know my Dad has sisters - not sure how many. I think he may have a brother - I seem to remember a man with a big, bushy beard. It feels strange to think that I have family - aunties and uncles with cousins etc that I have no idea about. It's made me think that maybe I'd like to find out about them all but also made me a bit worried that there's some sinister reason why we are not in touch. That they disowned me for some dark secret. Can I deal with that? Who knows? Maybe I'll have a dig around and let you know.